Tit- for- tat should not be looked at as the solution to our insecurity malaise. In the wake of Garissa attack, a lot was said.Following the Mandera quarry attack, yet more was said.Before that, a lot was said following the Lamu attacks and long before that, the Westgate attack drew scathing and tough utterances.Beneath these harsh words were what seemed like assuring statements but barely assuring. The Westgate attack was heartbreaking for lack of a better word.Never had our vulnerability and mortality been put to perspective in such brutality and cold savagery.We were exposed as a soft spot.It would never happen again, we promised ourselves and the government assured us of the death of the attackers.The Mandera bus attack brought the statement from our Deputy President that 100 Al-Shabaab militants have been killed in retaliatory attacks.After Lamu, several suspects were rounded up only to be released later.Following the Garissa attacks, we were informed of KDF bombing two Al-Shab...