Short Prose
"The law forbids me from brandishing my gun in public when I'm under no threat so get your hands off that gun." "Oh Elvin," Leo smacked, "I'm not that stupid. You reach for your pockets I reach for my gun. Just to be sure, so don't mind." "I'm duty-bound not to kill you in public, much less without you posing a direct threat." Elvin gruffed, looking at Leo with his eyes narrowed. "But I'm a most wanted." Leo bragged, a disdainful sneer on his face. He turned and let his eyes wander in the restaurant. A waiter stood by the doorway leading to the kitchen, as people teemed about in the foreground.He had his eyes firmly on Leo but upon meeting the brute's eyes, he averted them to the door, where and elderly woman waddled in, a young man by her side, keeping her in stride. "Who's that and why is he staring at me?" Leo turned to Elvin and used his eyes to lead him. "That waiter with jaws like a c...