An Ode to My Hood
STAGE TWENTY THREE, THE WAIYAKI WAY At the Odeon, that’s where it starts. The KMO matatus calling for those heading there; Kangemi juu ya daraja thate, Kangemi juu ya daraja thate… Sit through the close to twenty minutes ride and arrive at the crowded fly-over that doubles up as a market place and a conveyor into the inner chambers of Kangemi. First thing you will notice is the red Kangemi Petrol Station. Essentially, it is a petrol station (of course, it says so) but in reality, it is a matatu stage in disguise. Just wait until night fall, when the whole station gets turned into a loading zone, flashing lights and lots of hooting everywhere. Stretching just beyond this petrol station is the famous Kangemi market. Now be careful how you walk on these grounds. Littered with fruit and vegetable peels, then cove...